Pandora RC downloads

Connect to a computer to control it online in 4 simple steps:


Free registration up to 10 computers per user

Go to sign up →


Download the agent for your computers

Go to agents →


Install the agent on your computers


Access Pandora RC platform and connect your computers

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Pandora RC agents


32 bits 64 bits

Windows standalone portable agent

32 bits 64 bits

Debian / Ubuntu Linux agent

32 bits 64 bits

Linux (Generic)

32 bits 64 bits

Linux (Redhat / CentOS)

32 bits 64 bits

Mac OS

64 bits

Raspberry / Raspbian

32 bits

Windows agent support from XP SP3 to latests Windows. It may require to have installed to run.

In MacOS you will need to do manual adjustments of privacy settings to allow remote control application work. Check these details in our online documentation. online.

Ready to take control of your equipments?

Choose Pandora RC for seamless IT support & operations. Fast, secure, and reliable, it's the ultimate tool for efficiency and control. Absolutely free for up to 10 devices per user!

Pandora RC values