Press releases 2022 Archives - Pandora FMS Pandora FMS Monitoring Software Mon, 02 Oct 2023 09:27:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Press releases 2022 Archives - Pandora FMS 32 32 Pandora FMS obtains Red Hat Enterprise Linux certification and reinforces its international projection Wed, 19 Oct 2022 13:17:40 +0000 Madrid, September 27, 2022.- The IT firm Pandora FMS is now an officially certified software vendor to be used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and continues with its international recognition. After obtaining the verification of the American giant Red Hat, the company ratifies the quality of its monitoring systems by considering that it has […]

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Madrid, September 27, 2022.- The IT firm Pandora FMS is now an officially certified software vendor to be used in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 and continues with its international recognition. After obtaining the verification of the American giant Red Hat, the company ratifies the quality of its monitoring systems by considering that it has satisfactory interoperability, higher security and compatibility with the most efficient and innovative practices on the market.

Red Hat’s Global ISV Program uses modern delivery methods to support a hybrid Cloud strategy that helps partners build and run applications on any Cloud. This Cloud-native strategic development builds on technologies such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux® and Red Hat Openshift and embodies best practices for steady integration and deployment (CI/CD) to help your customers succeed in the Cloud.

“The RHEL8 certification is a recognition of the work we are doing at Pandora FMS to adapt to the business situation both nationally and globally,” says Sancho Lerena, CEO of Pandora FMS. “Monitoring systems are the present and the future, even more so taking into account the massive amount of data that must be managed in every company today,” acknowledges the director of the company.

The confirmation of the RHEL8 system for Pandora FMS allows validating the knowledge of the Spanish organization in cutting-edge technology and provides greater exposure among hundreds of companies worldwide, since the certification implies standing out as a quality monitoring and guaranteed service provider within the Red Hat portfolio.

Red Hat is the world’s leading American multinational in providing open source systems for business. In fact, 90% of the companies on the prestigious Fortune 500 list, which analyzes American open-end companies, rely on Red Hat technology. Through their technology, different companies incorporate integration services, Cloud services or process and decision automation platforms that multiply the efficiency of each IT structure.

“RHEL8 certification opens up a wide range of opportunities for companies that need state-of-the-art monitoring systems. Pandora FMS compatibility with other Red Hat-backed data management systems is assured and companies can reduce costs by up to 30% depending on the industry,” Lerena confirms.  

The magnitude of Red Hat is such that its partners include Google, Amazon or Alibaba Cloud. Also great technology such as Cisco, Dell, Microsoft Intel or DXC, the company in charge of developing the software that manages BMW Group data. Even IT companies like Lenovo or Samsung are on the list of companies that lean on Red Hat.

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Companies and public administrations monitor their systems to comply with the Energy Savings Plan Thu, 29 Sep 2022 10:19:27 +0000 Madrid, September 13, 2022.-The Energy Savings Plan decreed by the Government includes measures such as shutting down windows and lights of public buildings from 22:00 hours, the limitation of air conditioning to 27 degrees and the heating cap for this winter until 19. A series of rules that companies and public administrations must comply with […]

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Madrid, September 13, 2022.-The Energy Savings Plan decreed by the Government includes measures such as shutting down windows and lights of public buildings from 22:00 hours, the limitation of air conditioning to 27 degrees and the heating cap for this winter until 19. A series of rules that companies and public administrations must comply with in order to avoid fines ranging from 60,000 in minor infringements to 100 million in the most serious cases. To improve the control of your systems, monitoring technology has regained importance.

The concept of monitoring is increasingly widespread among companies and administrations. Through this solution, all the information of a structure is controlled and managed from the same computer. That way, in addition to having a better overview on the development of all areas of a company, the ability to act in case of error is significantly improved. In the case of energy savings, monitoring systems reduce the risk of penalties and energy expenditure by having a greater management capacity.

“Monitoring is going to be key so that large and medium-sized companies, or public administrations themselves, can execute the Energy Savings Plan as efficiently as possible without this being detrimental to other areas of their workforce”, explains Sancho Lerena, CEO of the company expert in monitoring Pandora FMS.

The Spanish company works both nationally with administrations such as Madrid Digital, and internationally with companies such as Rakuten. And, according to the data, monitoring allows to improve the response time for citizen services by 200% or reduce the workload in sectors such as retail by 30%. These percentages represent a reduction in costs and an increase in efficiency and, as indicated by Pandora FMS, they are decisive for the coming months. In fact, most of the energy consumed through monitoring systems is saved by almost 30%. 

“The Energy Savings Plan forces administrations and companies to improve their management. In the case of public administrations, the control needed brings cities closer to the ideal of Smart Cities where resources, thanks to IT information and its good analysis, are exploited as efficiently as possible,” Lerena details. The concept of smart cities is booming and encompasses all those that, through technology, provide better services to their citizens without causing a negative impact either in economic or environmental terms.

Through monitoring systems, both companies and administrations can control key details to comply with the Savings Plan. “The simple fact of checking that the temperature is within the established ranges, checking that the lights have been switched off correctly, or even raising and lowering the heating according to the ambient temperature goes from being a tedious process to something that technology manages on its own”, underlines the CEO of the Spanish company.

According to the Government, the electricity consumption throughout the entire country dropped by 3.7% during the first week with the Energy Savings Plan. A trend that they expect to increase in the coming weeks and months, especially in the face of a winter where the Russian invasion of Ukraine and Vladimir Putin’s measures can further increase inflation levels and energy prices.

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Monitoring systems become a remedy for the historic drought in Andalusia: “It is the future of cities” Thu, 29 Sep 2022 09:49:31 +0000 Málaga, September 8, 2022.-The high temperatures throughout the summer and the scarcity of rainfall have alerted half Spain due to the drought Andalusia is one of the most affected areas and the both environmental and economic impact has already alerted public administrations and companies. Pending further action, there are already experts in the technology sector […]

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Málaga, September 8, 2022.-The high temperatures throughout the summer and the scarcity of rainfall have alerted half Spain due to the drought Andalusia is one of the most affected areas and the both environmental and economic impact has already alerted public administrations and companies. Pending further action, there are already experts in the technology sector who point to some of their solutions as a possible mechanism to reduce the impact of this type of phenomenon.

In the digital age, there are many cities that are committed to technological support to improve their resource management. And as far as the environmental area is concerned, these types of systems are also valid. Monitoring, one of the most common in companies, can serve as a shield against catastrophes such as the one that plagues the Andalusian lands. “It is the future of cities”, recognize from Pandora FMS, a company reference in monitoring.

“Monitoring systems improve the effectiveness of any workforce. And, therefore, resource management. Monitoring with current technology what the decline of reservoirs is like, the level of precipitation compared to the usual drought figures or even knowing if the water consumption at homes is increasing significantly can help to anticipate scenarios such as the current drought,” indicates Sancho Lerena, CEO of the company that works with giants such as Rakuten or Repsol.

Such mechanisms are becoming more common. Although in the business world it is usually more common, administrations are also adapting. According to data from the Spanish company, in the retail sector it is possible to reduce the workload by 30% with this type of system. And, regarding the management of public administration, monitoring can triple the response speed of citizen services as in Madrid Digital.

“Monitoring will be fundamental for the so-called Smart Cities, which in a few years will be the goal of every capital or city with business hubs around the world”, Lerena acknowledges. “However, technology must also be implemented in rural areas or in domains such as the environment, in this case drought.”

Just as an example, in Andalusia there are already projects that reflect the power of monitoring. Recently, the city of Málaga has put into operation a pilot by which the operation of the counters of 8,000 households with elderly people or dependents is controlled. Through this system, the administration will be able to detect unusual behaviors, such as homes of habitual residence where no water is consumed for a long time or, on the contrary, where the increase in consumption may alert of an accident of the person living there.

“This type of monitoring could be used, in case of extending this type of systems, to learn about the widespread consumption of water in certain months and thus anticipate some measures in the event that any drought is expected during the year”, underlines the CEO of Pandora FMS.

Another case, purely oriented towards environmental control, is taking place in CSIC. The organization has gotten started with a monitoring system that analyzes the meteorological drought of the entire national territory, giving more data to the experts to anticipate the phenomena of the coming months.

“The weather drought monitor provides real-time information from the automatic weather stations of the AEMET Network and the SIAR. The information is updated four times each month and the state of the meteorological drought can be checked from two climate indexes”, indicate specifically from the CSIC.

A historic drought

Andalusia has already qualified 2022 as one of the driest periods of the last 50 years. In fact, a measure of how it is affecting the environment is the number of birds. Figures that from the Board are depicted as the worst among waterfowl of the last 40 years analyzing the situation of Doñana.

In addition, reference reservoirs such as that of La Viñuela, in Malaga, are 11%, that is, below the threshold of what is considered dead reservoirs (water level that cannot be used).

This situation, in turn, is anticipating an economic blow. According to forecasts, this 2022 the oil production will experience a 50% decrease. In 2021 there were more than 1 million tons, while in this year just over 500,000 are expected in what may be the worst year in the last decade.

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Politicians aren’t the only ones at risk: how to tell if your mobile or PC passwords have been stolen Thu, 29 Sep 2022 09:33:05 +0000 Madrid, July 20, 2022.- The growing use of new technologies by the population has increased the risk of theft. Not only on the street can one fall victim to thieves, but one can also lose sensitive information such as passwords or bank keys in the cloud. In this case it is even easier not to […]

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Madrid, July 20, 2022.- The growing use of new technologies by the population has increased the risk of theft. Not only on the street can one fall victim to thieves, but one can also lose sensitive information such as passwords or bank keys in the cloud. In this case it is even easier not to realize that virtual robbers are committing a crime. In addition, security no longer depends on you, but the security of third parties, those we shared our data with, becomes important.

How can you maximize individual security on the network? Periodically modifying passwords and following some basic tips. The first thing is to find out whether the user has been affected by any digital security breach. The process is complex for most internauts, but there are free and safe portals where you may just enter some identifying data of your account to find out whether the passwords are in danger. is one of the examples. As if it were a Google search engine, the user just needs to enter their email or phone number to find out whether the passwords of that profile have been filtered and are in a database. In case that breach is confirmed (a message appears in just a second and in a very intuitive red color), the procedure is simple: go to all those accounts and change the password. As experts indicate, you have to set different passwords depending on the platform.

“It makes no sense to set the same password on all applications and systems.  That equals making things easier for thieves, because from a single security breach they can take control of all your accounts for not having different passwords”, explains Sancho Lerena, CEO of the monitoring company Pandora FMS.

Setting different passwords is usually a problem for the user, who risks either forgetting some of them if they do not keep them safe or losing some speed along processes of different applications. Despite this, it is essential to reinforce the security barrier. And that is because not only large entities should be protected.

One of the easiest things to verify is the strength of the passwords used and implementing a system that monitors this may seem simple and innocent, but it is the first step to a safer system. Security monitoring is used to control key security aspects, such as this, backup verification, or the execution of anti-virus security programs. 

The most powerful organizations on the market are a clear example of the importance of cloud security and data protection. Until recently there was a specific department to manage all IT information and its protection, but the increase of those data and the increase of the danger in the cloud have made monitoring become the most effective solution. 

Monitoring the IT structure of a company means centralizing the control of all the information and, in addition, it allows to alert and anticipate each error. In addition, those in charge, both of the IT structure as well as data security, do not have as much workload and can perform their functions 100%. 

“Our monitoring solution, for example, strengthens security wherever it is installed. Businesses are focusing more on their IT information security, and monitoring for example is critical to that end.  Any failure or error is reported instantly, so action is faster and losses smaller.  However, ordinary users should not forget that their information is also valuable for cyber criminals “, underlines the expert of   Pandora FMS  , aware of the interest of large organizations in protecting their data with systems such as monitoring.

Cybercrime has increased over time. Users, given the number of processes that must be developed online, share more and more information. A scenario that has made companies take their chances on monitoring systems such as that of Pandora FMS and that extends to individuals the need to protect their data on the network.

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Coastal municipalities monitor their beaches to measure the environmental impact of tourism Thu, 29 Sep 2022 08:48:27 +0000 Madrid, August 3, 2022.-The Spanish tourism sector is preparing for a record-breaking summer in which they hope to emulate the summer periods prior to the COVID pandemic. The Government has already announced that 90% of foreign tourism will be recovered that in 2019 visited the country. That year 84 million foreigners were received, a figure […]

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Madrid, August 3, 2022.-The Spanish tourism sector is preparing for a record-breaking summer in which they hope to emulate the summer periods prior to the COVID pandemic. The Government has already announced that 90% of foreign tourism will be recovered that in 2019 visited the country. That year 84 million foreigners were received, a figure they intend to reach this year taking advantage of the high temperatures and the national tourist offer. Therefore, the administrations of the main tourist points are being reinforced with the technology necessary to control the capacity with the aim of improving the performance of public services and minimizing the environmental impact.

There are increasingly more municipalities that are choosing to install monitoring systems that collect all of that data in real time and allow to manage it from a central console. Monitoring, present in most companies to improve their IT infrastructure management, collects all data generated on a steady basis and manages them from that central system. That way, it is possible to have much more easy and direct access to all of the information collected and the response capacity is improved should any anomaly be detected.

The importance of monitoring in companies has spurred the interest of the administration to improve the efficiency of their services and they now apply this technology for the management of their beaches. The municipalities of very busy tourist areas have special interest in finding out the status of the points with more affluence and focus on beaches, where systems are already being implemented to monitor the state of each sandbar and control the capacity. Thus, in addition to measuring how many tourists visit a place in a given time slot, it is possible to minimize the environmental impact on the territory by establishing precise means to improve the environmental protection of the beaches as well as the fauna and flora that inhabit them.

“Monitoring is a reality you may find present in the private sector but becoming very popular in the public one too, through which we improve the control we have over touristic points where we receive large crowds of people. With these systems we’re able to calculate how many people there are in a beach at a certain time. And then we can improve the efficiency of the health and security services, or just limit the capacity of any of those areas if the environmental impact becomes alarming,” explains Sancho Lerena, CEO of Pandora FMS, who monitors systems from giants like Rakuten or Toshiba, in addition to public administrations such as Madrid Digital or hospitals. 

These monitoring systems are being installed in several parts of the country. On the beaches of Mallorca, for example, the Coastal Observation and Prediction System of the Balearic Islands will be installed. With this mechanism, the administration will allow tourists to share pictures taken from the same point of the beach, allowing to see the evolution of the landscape to control its pollution and leaving a record of the capacity that there is every hour on the beach.

This same experiment based on monitoring will also be present in points of Galicia, specifically in Vigo, or on beaches of Valencia. The two main objectives in all cases are to control the environmental impact and the approximate capacity on each beach in different time slots to be able to manage public services in the most efficient way. 

Gran Canaria, likewise has invested 500.000 euro in a system to monitor very frequented beaches such as Las Canteras, Alcaravanera and La Baja. On the other hand, Barcelona will use drones, after investing almost 170.000 euro, to measure the capacity of each beach with no need for identifying the population. In both situations, monitoring will be key for collecting all data and allowing the authorities to intervene accordingly. 

“Monitoring processes are daily life, it is normal for administrations and tourism companies to stick to this type of systems”, recognizes the CEO of Pandora FMS. “Monitoring allows access to information by a single means. In this case, a computer where all the data generated is right then collected and that, if there were no monitoring system, it would have to be collected from each specific console. Thus, if there is an alert in a specific area, you may start working from the center console and warn the rest of the areas”, says Lerena. 

Tourist wave

The summer of 2022 was raised as the return to full normality, also in the economic field. However, the outbreak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent inflationary wave raised fears of a new crisis from May to the present. Despite this, the Government has reaffirmed that the Spanish economy is “strong” and tourism has been placed as one of the engines of these coming months.

The forecasts of the Executive go through recovering nine out of ten foreign tourists who visited Spain in 2019, the year in which 84 million people were received throughout the whole year. At the moment, it is estimated more than 20 million airline seats have already been reserved for the coming months. In addition, there are options for domestic tourism to also grow by 3%, so the economy will not only be driven by foreign population.

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Pandora FMS boosts its cloud solution. Safer, easier and faster IT monitoring Wed, 28 Sep 2022 13:31:23 +0000 For its MaaS Solution (Monitoring as a Service), Pandora FMS partners with OVHcloud to ensure data sovereignty, European technological independence and top quality service with datacenters in Europe, America and Asia. Monitoring as a Service (MaaS) Pandora FMS, the renowned Spanish technology company, launches its SaaS solution on the market: MaaS, monitoring as a service […]

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For its MaaS Solution (Monitoring as a Service), Pandora FMS partners with OVHcloud to ensure data sovereignty, European technological independence and top quality service with datacenters in Europe, America and Asia.

Monitoring as a Service (MaaS)

Pandora FMS, the renowned Spanish technology company, launches its SaaS solution on the market: MaaS, monitoring as a service , is a flexible subscription model, easy to understand and that covers the whole range of monitoring needs of companies of all sizes.

The MaaS Solution complies with easy integration with business processes, permanent security and 24/7 availability, to access it anytime and anywhere.

A crucial weapon to safeguard companies from the growing demand for Cloud, and the difficulty of finding personnel to manage the ever-increasing technological complexity. Particularly, since it is well known that the use of heterogeneous tools and the lack of use of AI in multi-cloud environments delays innovation, forcing IT teams to devote almost half of their time to maintenance tasks.

Collaborating with OVHcloud

Since 1999, the year of its foundation, OVHcloud has had a single objective: to offer their customers a full range of innovative Cloud products and bare metal with a strong European accent. Since then, the group has provided world-class infrastructures to more than 1.6 million customers worldwide, and has an ecosystem of partners who bring their added value to digital transformation for companies. Pandora FMS joins in as an OVHcloud Advanced Partner, combining its extensive experience in IT monitoring software with the sovereign infrastructures of OVHcloud, and includes its ready-to-use solutions in the Marketplace of the European Cloud leader.

Right now, OVHcloud’s powerful high-end dedicated servers are helping Pandora FMS provide its customers with its MaaS service: a service with very high standards by offering 24/7 operation. Thanks to the smooth operation and reliability of this product, they can also comply with the SLA of the services offered hosted on these servers.

“The ease of provision, the transparency and the wide range of options that OVHcloud now has to choose from, not to mention the possibility of having servers in Europe or America, is key to deploying our solutions”, tells us Sancho Lerena, CEO and founder of Pandora FMS – “In addition, it is a pleasure to be part of the OVHcloud ecosystem, and contribute jointly to the promotion of innovative, interoperable and trusted solutions. One more way to prove ourselves in the face of the wide range of possibilities of our MaaS solution,” he concludes.

Pandora FMS

Pandora FMS is the total monitoring solution, which allows you to see and measure all kinds of technologies no matter where they are: Cloud, SaaS, virtualization or on-premise: a flexible solution that unifies data visualization for full observability of the entire organization.

With more than 50K installations in 53 countries, its customers include companies such as Salvensen, Prosegur, Repsol, CLH, Euskaltel, Adif, Santalucía, Cofares, AON, El Pozo, EMT, and other foreign companies such as Rakuten, Nazareth University in New York, and the main hospital in Ottawa. Also, public administrations such as the Junta de Castilla-La Mancha, the Comunidad of Madrid, the Diputación de Barcelona and numerous municipalities in France, Portugal and Spain.

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La monitorización como servicio: una alternativa ante la escasez de talento Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:53:29 +0000 Madrid, June 7, 2022.- There is a wide range of solutions offered by Monitoring as a Service to a company, from performing an analysis to detect the root cause of the problem to determining the path of the failure. However, one of the most important and obvious benefits is solving the training problems of the […]

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Madrid, June 7, 2022.- There is a wide range of solutions offered by Monitoring as a Service to a company, from performing an analysis to detect the root cause of the problem to determining the path of the failure. However, one of the most important and obvious benefits is solving the training problems of the workers involved or why not the shortage of talent of these workers. The increase in the amount of information available in companies, and the obligation to be able to manage this IT structure properly means that workers must constantly be as qualified as possible.

In addition, the increasing importance of IT means that infrastructure managers have a certain amount of work overload. Something that doesn’t happen with a monitoring system. On the contrary, Monitoring as a Service sets a theoretical bridge between technology and business, drawing an outline where you can easily detect where the source of the problem is and saving time and work for the operating team.

Monitoring reduces the importance of the traditional involvement of people from different areas of the organization and the overload of work that one of the managers in this process may have. To sum up, monitoring systems control all data and allow access to information from the same platform, preventing those in charge of this area from having to overwatch several fronts without fully focusing on a single one. There is where inactivity cost is reduced too.

“You must take into account that the transformation of a given company implies that there is more software.  And, therefore, more technology-relying business areas. Those are changes that imply the need to hire more competent profiles.  Everything with the goal of fitting all pieces perfectly, both the computer and its software as well as the network and the technician that operates it,” explains Sancho Lerena, CEO of Pandora FMS, international reference in monitoring.

An example of this need is that the growth of hybrid infrastructures is 25% per year according to IDC data. Therefore, many companies are taking their chances on taking out their IT monitoring infrastructure to save money and especially time.

This process of getting the entire IT information arrangement under the umbrella of the same system also helps infrastructure managers, as they have higher capacity to manage logs. On the one hand, it collects all the data despite the fact that there is a large volume. And, secondly, it concentrates access to all that information on a single centralized console.

In conclusion, you get over the lack of time for workers to be aware of key tasks such as security or data management. It also gets rid of the possible lack of capacity to adapt to the different operating systems that may be within in the same company. And, lastly, the workload involved in facing a constant data flow where any minimal error must be detected is minimized. Systems such as Splunk, Datadog or Pandora FMS itself help in the process.

By monitoring, it is possible to use the information in a reactive way, anticipating problems and alerts received; preventive, since analyses are obtained that help to be prepared for any worst-case scenario; and retrospective, since the crises experienced are also studied to find out the extent of their impact and know how to act correctly in future occasions.

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Madrid reduces its reaction time to incidents by 200% reinforcing its digital structure Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:29:29 +0000 Madrid, July 26, 2022.-  The cities of the future will be closely linked to technology. Hence, administrations are increasingly taking their chances on investing in what is known as their digital structure. A whole system that collects thousands of data per minute and whose proper functioning depends on the efficiency in the provision of public […]

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Madrid, July 26, 2022.-  The cities of the future will be closely linked to technology. Hence, administrations are increasingly taking their chances on investing in what is known as their digital structure. A whole system that collects thousands of data per minute and whose proper functioning depends on the efficiency in the provision of public services; so the management of this information becomes transcendentally important. With this in mind, the Community of Madrid has already managed to reduce its response time by 200% in citizen services through Madrid Digital’s monitoring.

Madrid Digital, the entity that is responsible for the digitization of the entire administration of Madrid’s region, uses a monitoring system developed by a Spanish company: Pandora FMS. The firm of technological solutions, which has become a reference in the sector even working for large Canadian hospitals or first-line companies such as Rakuten, is the one who achieves this solution that allows Madrid to improve collaboration with the population.

“Our system controls 500 servers and devices, and more than 120,000 metrics. Monitoring means that all the data that is generated goes through the same console, improving the accessibility of the operators and centralizing all the information”, explains Sancho Lerena, CEO of the Spanish company Pandora FMS. By controlling the metrics it is possible to measure the productivity of a system, which in turn means an improvement in service quality.

The monitoring system with which Madrid has strengthened its public services not only improves reaction and diagnosis time by 200%, but also frees up part of the workforce. That is, those workers who previously had to focus their attention on the managing the digital structure, can now focus on those purely human tasks to improve the management efficiency.

Monitoring all these data improves the ability of citizens to report errors in computer systems, but also that of the different administrations that make use of the digital structure of the region. That way, Madrid manages to accelerate the flow of information and, therefore, gain reaction time to solve any incident in its services.

This reaction rate has become one of the great keys of administrations. Especially in times of COVID-19, where confinement and decreased face-to-face presence in all types of management have forced agencies to boost their digital areas to meet the needs of the population in a telematic way and reduce physical contact. Through monitoring, the increase in managed data has not entailed a collapse of institutional websites that could harm both the smooth development and the security of the different areas.

“Monitoring is present in day-to-day life. Unified management of information means improving physical and logical equipment performance. But it also allows to boost the efficiency of processing all that information, which is increasingly important to meet the requirements of citizens,” explains Lerena.

The population of the region of Madrid is in full growth since 2016 until exceeding 6,751,000 inhabitants in 2021, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics. These figures confirm the need to be prepared to deal with massive data management and ensure the operation of the most crucial public services for the city.

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Madrid improves EMT services by monitoring its bus data Wed, 28 Sep 2022 09:05:01 +0000 Madrid, June 17, 2022.- Madrid’s public bus service, the EMT, was one of the protagonists of the Global Mobility Call developed between June 14 and 16 at IFEMA. The company from Madrid exposed its future plans tracing the route to continue transforming the capital into a smart City where sustainable mobility and independent vehicles acquire […]

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Madrid, June 17, 2022.- Madrid’s public bus service, the EMT, was one of the protagonists of the Global Mobility Call developed between June 14 and 16 at IFEMA. The company from Madrid exposed its future plans tracing the route to continue transforming the capital into a smart City where sustainable mobility and independent vehicles acquire great relevance.

Nevertheless, executing this plan would be impossible without a technology characterized by generating data continuously. That’s why the city has taken its chances on data control through monitoring. This is the secret of the success of the EMT, which has already set a 100% Spanish monitoring system in full development for machinery and users.

The EMT counted on a system based on central HOST, that is to say, a computer or a set of computers around where all the information circulated and to which others connected. But, after a remarkable enterprise growth, this system became ineffective before an activity that seemed uncoverable, reason why they were forced to change their IT infrastructure management.

The public company of transport confronted a remarkable technological growth of buses and users, and they set the goal of having a trustworthy control over the whole system, both the hardware and the processes that take place.

And it was there where monitoring came up, that is to say, the reception and analysis of data and their management by means of a central console. In other words, the EMT needed a system that canalized all the information to a single computer from which to access to all the interconnected technology and the agreement with Pandora FMS provided them with such a solution.

Through the alliance, the regional public giant managed to reduce costs and improve its service until becoming a reference in public transport for the smart cities of the future, as it has been shown in the Global Mobility Call.

“The EMT needed to remarkably improve the management of all the information.  It must be taken into account that its fleet has more than 2,000 buses and that tens of thousands of users use this type of transport daily.  To satisfy the high demand they relied on evolution to implement a monitoring system capable of adapting to the systems the EMT already had, but that were able to coexist with future evolutions”, explains Sancho Lerena, CEO of Pandora FMS.

This monitoring system allows, among other things, to improve the process of checking bus availability through applications, thanks to which the user can see how much is left before the bus arrives from their phones. It also makes it easy for maintainers to manage with real-time information on each machine, its performance, and its status.

By means of Pandora FMS technological solution, not only does the control over the fleet increase, but the response capacity in the face of any incident does too and possible breakdowns can be prevented, which reduces the impact on the end user and maximizes the benefits.

When this monitoring system was implemented in the EMT, so was the watchdog agent that reduces workload. What is achieved with this mechanism is that there is no need for periodic checkouts to see that the system is working properly and that, in the event of an error, it is possible to alert in time to act and prevent similar ones”, highlights Pandora FMS chairman.

EMT has now control of each bus, which by means of LAN networks constantly dump information to the central. A step that in just a few years will be left behind, since they intend to improve data management until knowing in real time the capacity in each bus or even establish some that are completely autonomous. A series of innovations that are framed within the goal of smart cities, where the use of technology for the efficient development of services is the fundamental pillar.

The power of real-time data

Investment in technological development has only just begun. In the coming years, the use of 5G will become common, which allows greater connectivity and higher speed when using this type of networks. In turn, this scenario will increase the ability of systems to obtain data in real time. And, therefore, service management itself may be more efficient by having the option of adjusting to the behavior of users with a correct monitoring system.

Madrid, which has reaffirmed in the Global Mobility Call its image of smart city, is already working on creating a digital twin (a virtual recreation of the city) that allows us to know the movement that takes place in the distribution of its logistic  microhub. That way, as with the other services, circulation can be anticipated and improved and, therefore, more efficient and sustainable mobility is achieved.

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IT monitoring reduces the workload of retailers by about 30% Wed, 21 Sep 2022 10:46:10 +0000 Food retailers reduce the workload accumulated by their IT areas by almost 30% thanks to monitoring. Controlling data and extensive information from the whole company, by controlling, supervising and ordering everything through the same system, allows to reduce the times of action in the face of possible errors and failures, improves resource management and organization […]

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Food retailers reduce the workload accumulated by their IT areas by almost 30% thanks to monitoring.

Controlling data and extensive information from the whole company, by controlling, supervising and ordering everything through the same system, allows to reduce the times of action in the face of possible errors and failures, improves resource management and organization and increases the effectiveness of the business activity.

In addition, monitoring saves costs.

IT monitoring and retailers, what you need to know

Large food distribution firms carry out continuous processes to guarantee the supply of products on the shelves, so the volume of information generated by executing these tasks throughout the day is remarkable. 

If you add to that amount of data the diversity of systems in the IT structure with which retailers work on a daily basis, the route to obtain valuable, clear and practical information becomes even more complicated. 

The difficulty is greater if, in order to analyze these data, there are unqualified personnel without the support of a reliable platform to make their work easier.

This situation highlights that the fact of not having a monitoring system multiplies the actions necessary to obtain information on the activity of the technological structure of the company or the state of each of its facilities:

This slows down a company’s power to act and its ability to react. 

That, after all, translates into a loss of value both economically and in terms of performance, especially concerning the area of human resources.

What do we achieve with monitoring in the retail sector?

Through monitoring, it is possible to access, even remotely, the entire IT structure of a company. 

That is, by means of a central console you may organize and control an entire technology park. 

This, despite being able to present a heterogeneous panorama with a wide diversity of systems that sometimes do not support each other, goes under the command of a monitoring system by which it can be accessed.

Monitoring makes it possible to replace an existing system and it is also capable of coexisting with others. 

The kind of flexibility that is essential in the sector, because it allows to integrate new stuff to the existing system. 

This observability implies the ability to bring together all data sources and provide useful information for the company. 

The more complex IT systems are, the more important it is to simplify their monitoring.

That way, servers from different operating systems can be monitored by the same controller. 

And in turn, every time an error is detected anywhere in the park, the information can immediately reach those responsible, shortening the reaction time and anticipating more serious internal operating situations.

Monitoring, in addition to making control and error anticipation easier within the company’s performance, it also helps to find out aspects as simple as the state of the toner of a series of printers, or the time workers clocked in. 

Monitoring companies ends up leading to cost savings and service improvement.

Thanks to appliying monitoring systems, retailers in the food sector acquire a tool that enhances the control of the technological infrastructure that guarantees the traceability of their products throughout the distribution chain; from its origin to its arrival to the final customer or to sales establishments. 

In addition, the implementation of this data technology allows monitoring the status of the systems from a centralized position and anticipating breakdowns and errors, saving workload and improving delivery times.

In the food market there have already been companies that have opted for this development of their structures. 

An example of this is Fripozo, belonging to the Fuertes Group, which implemented a monitoring system thanks to its agreement with the Spanish company Pandora FMS

As a result of this adaptation, it achieved higher responsiveness to any system failure that could affect the control and distribution of deep-frozen food.

In this particular case, one of the concerns for the company was to achieve some degree of flexibility. 

That is, that something specific could be monitored without this involving a large investment of time and local resources without external intervention. 

Fripozo, after this association with Pandora FMS, managed to reach that goal.

In addition to Fripozo, other distributors such as Salvesen Logistics have also confirmed operational improvements after monitoring their IT structure. 

The company, which like Fripozo took its chances on the Spanish Pandora FMS, came to reveal a reduction of 24% of the workload of its IT area. 

As revealed from their organization, the attention that was constantly paid to the health of the system was focused on improving services and products.

The sector, with more and more competition, is devoted to a necessary organization of the internal data that are produced throughout the same day in a company. 

Any mistake can lead to a chain failure, a misuse of their own resources and a point in favor of competition in the market.

The monitoring carried out by systems such as Pandora FMS represents clear economic savings for companies that implement it in their IT infrastructure. Reaction times to any failure are shorter and therefore have less impact on the company. But, in addition, internal processes have also been improved as different business models have been discovered“,

explains Sancho Lerena, CEO and founder of Pandora FMS.

The post IT monitoring reduces the workload of retailers by about 30% appeared first on Pandora FMS.
