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Latest published updates

OUM #101 - 6 Oct 2023
Features and improvements:
  • Interface change. New menu.

  • New API v2.

  • New About view.

  • New detailed users report.

  • New vacation days report.

  • Cache control in updates.

  • Improved Inventory listing.

  • License information in About.

  • Image size control when uploading user avatar.

  • Confirmation of deletion in massive ticket operations.

  • Possibility to sort the columns of the contracts list.

  • Possibility to add new status to inventory objects.

  • Possibility to manage custom ticket fields through workflow.

  • Identification of internal comments in tickets.

  • Restrict notifications of internal ticket comments.

  • New custom user avatars.

Bug fixes:
  • Scheduled reports.

  • Sending ticket notifications.

  • Edit tickets by grouped user.

  • Invoice download.

  • Default values when creating an inventory object.

  • Support Dashboard filter.

  • Invoice statistics.

  • Image folder permissions.

  • Cron execution.

  • Invoice due date edition.

  • ACL group list.

  • Contract list filtering.

  • Wiki edition.

  • Custom filter loading.

OUM #100+ 3

OUM #100 - 4 Jul 2023
Features and improvements:
  • Maintain message history when creating a mail ticket.

  • Mail ticket notifications keep all ticket information.

  • New activity summary report in GitLab.

  • No users will be created in mail ticket management if you only add a WU to the ticket.

  • Alternative mail templates can be marked as default templates.

  • Display user contact details via QR code.

  • Dynamic “My tickets” filter for tickets and dashboards.

  • Possibility to choose custom favicon.

  • Tracking of user-created tickets.

  • Unification of the search system.

Bug fixes:
  • Invoice creation.

  • The concept of rentals is not shown in invoices generated in PDF.

  • Wrong counting of hours when entering vacation days.

  • File upload size limitation.

  • Wrong email signature insertion.

  • Automatic refresh of Dashboards.

  • Problem when closing tickets with certain profiles.

  • Notification of ticket changes to participating users.

  • Problem updating custom fields of inventory objects.

  • Incorrect display of ticket description.

  • Project cost is not taken into account when displaying reports.

  • Invoice files disappear when locking invoices.

  • CSV export of invoices.

OUM #90+ 3

OUM #99 - 2 Mar 2023
Features and improvements:
  • Compatibility with PHP 8.1 and MySQL 8.
  • Improved translation in the two-step activation message.
  • When an attachment is added, a message indicating it is now mailed and the description is added. In addition, updating the database structure with the MR 93 adds the template to the mail templates section.
  • Pagination has been added to ticket comments (it depends on the block_size assigned to it from the settings).
  • New child ticket indicator in the Advanced details section of the Ticket creation/editing form.
  • Improvements in entry display in the knowledge base (KB).
  • When collapsing or extending a box in the ticket section, it keeps its status even if the user (custom option) leaves the page.
  • New option to be able to modify by configuration (default value not selected) the order of the custom fields in the tickets.
  • Improved security in API access credentials management (Bearer token).
Bug fixes:
  • Improved ticket filtering by group.
  • Visual issues with the “People Involved” field in projects, now the user search box also works properly.
  • Issues enumerating project schedule tasks.
  • “Description” field is out of place in the Invoices form.
  • “Discount” field does not apply to Invoices.
  • Updating Tasks in Projects enabled.
  • Added button (always visible) to add separate “Work Units” in Tickets.
  • Fixed error 500 message when trying to download an attachment from Projects.
  • “Concept” fields misplaced in PDF Invoices.
  • “Expiration” field missing from PDF Invoices.
  • Project detailed report now shows the Workunit list.
  • Operator report: only users who have assigned tickets are displayed.
  • Error in Invoice creation from the Company tab.
  • Improved footnote in invoices.
  • Administrator user can now edit any user in any group (ACL error).
  • Fixed error in Dashboard counting for users grouped by company.
OUM #98 - 16 Dec 2022
  • Create child ticket from an existing one.
  • Import groups to CSV.
  • Authentication with Google Auth.
  • Visual improvements in titles and texts.
  • Improvements in the home screen.
  • Allow to create users without email.
  • Attachments in tasks.
  • Massively add users to projects/tasks.
Error resolution:
  • User count grouped by company.
  • Visualization of the list of workflow rules.
  • Company search by custom field.
  • ACLs of standalone users.
  • People Report error.
  • Quick ticket editor.
  • Profile creation.
OUM #97 - 16 Sep 2022
  • Custom fields in Projects.
  • Workflow in Projects.
  • Allow ticket closing only to the owner user.
  • Duplication of Contracts.
  • Massive deletion of files associated to Downloads.
  • Possibility to hide the product version.
  • Email notification when changing the user password.
  • User import from CSV.
  • Possibility to use private user images.
  • Improved email ticket attachment management.
  • Discard emails from disabled users.
  • Ticket sorting in Dashboard.
  • Contract listing and search engine.
  • Counting of hours assigned to Projects.
  • Organization of Tasks associated to Projects.
  • Invoices sorting.
  • Visual improvements in Calendar.
Error resolution:
  • Widget titles.
  • License expiration messages.
  • “Reset all data” from Configuration section.
  • Invoice creation.
  • User creation.User autocompletion.
  • WUs edition.
  • Report Scheduler filter.
  • Duplicate ticket creation via API.
OUM #96 - 9 Jun 2022
  • New Dashboard view.
  • HTML view of tickets created by email.
  • Cascade deletion of related information when deleting a company.
  • Possibility to add more concepts in invoices.
  • Security improvements.
  • Visual interface improvements.
Error resolution:
  • Problem when attaching files.
  • Ticket creation function via API.
  • Color change in setup does not affect all elements.
  • Ticket filter by company.
  • Error in company creation.
  • Error when updating project groups.
OUM #95 - 8 March 2022
  • New general project report.
  • New filter in vacation report.
  • New text editor for ticket description.
  • Last login information.
  • Export of ticket list to CSV.
  • Ticket upload performance.
  • More intuitive sorting of project listings.
  • Error resolution.
  • Creation of profiles.
  • Duplicate comments.
  • Images displayed in ticket comments.
  • Editing of work unit dates.
OUM #94 - 25 Nov 2021
  • New Support report detailed by user and type.
  • New macros for templates of work parts.
  • Possibility to create tickets from inventory objects.
  • New view of tickets associated to inventory from the inventory object itself.
  • Ticket search engine in side menu.
  • Security improvements.
  • Visual improvements in the interface.
  • Automatic calculation of payment deadline in invoices according to due date.
  • Ticket display for users grouped by company.
  • Interaction of the side menu with the vacation calendar.
  • Problem when attaching files to tickets.
  • Invoices cannot be created.
  • Error in contract creation.
  • Problem in report scheduler.
  • Problem in Inventory filtering by parent object.
OUM #93 - 21 May 2021
  • New resolution epilogue macro.
  • New maintenance task for deleting files attached to tickets.
  • Ticket creation and inventory buttons in side menu.
  • Integration with GitLab.
  • Integration with Pandora FMS.
  • External link in downloads.
  • SQL_MODE check.
  • Interface color customization.
  • Simultaneous edition warning in contracts and invoices.
  • Automatic calculation of time spent on tasks.
  • New view of invoices associated to contracts.Improvements:
  • Loading of inventory objects in tickets.
  • Translations update.
  • Performance in contract search.
  • Performance of some API functions.
  • Ticket count in dashboard view.
  • Link to parent ticket in ticket detail.
  • Inventory ACL.
  • Loading of linked fields of ticket types.
  • Delete custom fields from contacts.
  • Various calendar issues.
  • Global news visibility.
  • Scheduled reports.
  • Knowledge base search engine.
  • Search for users in ticket comment creation.
  • Some vulnerabilities have been fixed.
OUM #92 - 18 Feb 2021
  • Chatbot.
  • File upload in sections: Downloads and Tickets.
  • Sample data preloaded in database.
  • Possibility to reset all data saved in database.
  • New section to add vacations or absences due to illness.
  • New macros in the sending of emails. 
  • Show tickets score.
  • New quick invoice search in contract edition.
  • Possibility to show user name instead of id in ticket listing.
  • Simplification of the Projects section.
  • Improved Operator detailed report.
  • Visual improvements in menus and views.
  • Error messages when logging in.
  • Visual improvement in inventory list.
  • Quick ticket editing.
  • Error in Gantt chart.
  • ACLs of several sections.
  • MySQL error in People report.
  • Company search engine in user edition.
  • List of KBs in home screen.
  • Modification of “force change pass” token.
OUM #91 - 25 Nov 2020
  • New report scheduler.
  • New report template editor.
  • New user profile for report management.
  • New detailed ticket report.
  • Newt ticket evolution report.
  • New detalles report by operator.
  • Now you may create custom reports in contacts.
  • New search by closing date in ticket list.
  • Maintenance task for old report cleansing.
  • Possibility of assignions the time devoted to a work unit to several users.
  • New filter for Enterprises.
  • Improvements in authentification with Active Directory.
  • Report section structure reorganization.
  • Attached file upload limit.
  • Solved ticket suggestions when creating a new ticket.
  • New ticket lifespan macro.
  • Feedback system.
  • Getstats API función optimizaation.
  • Knowledge base Element creation wizard when closing a ticket.
  • Password policy.
  • Group form inventory item search.
  • Enterprise list custom field filtering.
  • Attached files to Contacts.
  • Enterprise-grouped user ACLs.
  • QR code in inventory item form.
  • Email forwarding with https.
  • Lead creation from form.
OUM #90 - 28 May 2020
  • New Time Tracker section. It is a new feature that allows users to clock in and out, in addition to registering breaks and the location where they work from.
  • New view where to check the status of other users: whether they are working, in the office, taking a break…
  • New daily, weekly and monthly reports related to users’ working hours.
  • New interface. New menus.
  • Ticket Dashboard view.
  • New terms have been added to workflow terms and conditions.
  • Now, ticket custom fields can be mandatory.
  • Header custom location name.
  • Inventory objects list.
  • Global search.
  • Auditing.
  • My tickets list.
  • Ticket comment creation.
  • Knowledge base editing.
  • Pagination.
  • User editing.
  • Lead exportation to CSV.
  • Contact management.

OUM #80+ 3

OUM #89 - 18 Feb 2020
  • News visual enhancements.
  • Updated translations.
  • File Releases display.
  • Global news editing.
  • General browser.
  • Calendar notifications.
  • Scheduled report deletion.
OUM #88 - 20 Nov 2019
  • Invoice contract linkage.
  • Edition of hours spent on ticked comments.
  • Client section ACLs.
  • Calendar events.
  • Ticket with standalone users display.
  • MySQL failures.
OUM #87 - 1 Oct 2019
  • New functions in API.
  • Solved several problems in ticket management.
OUM #86 - 8 Aug 2019
  • New login screen.
  • Permissions in CRM section.
  • Search for Leads.
  • Search for Invoices.
  • Fixed vulnerability: SQl Injection.
  • Fixed vulnerability in file upload.
  • Problems in user sessions.
  • MySQL errors.
  • Generation of licenses in Contracts.
  • TinyMCE editor in several CRM section views.
  • List of Downloads of File Releases without type was not shown properly.
OUM #85 - 29 Mar 2019
  • Office365 mail management.
  • New task ‘Telework’ not associated with Projects.
  • File Releases pagination.
  • Visualization of File Releases icons.
  • User Tickets Dashboard with profile grouped by company.
  • Move tasks between different projects.
  • Application of customized filters in Support Reports.
  • Alarms in Leads section.
  • Home screen links.
OUM #84 - 10 Dec 2018
  • Eliminated security vulnerabilities in some forms.
  • ACLs from the People section.
  • Translations.
  • Loss of the description field in files attached to Contracts.
  • Problem in the execution of workflow rules in real time.
  • Error when loading custom fields in the Tickets creation/edition form.
  • Loss of decimals in rectifying invoices.
  • Problem in the notification of changes in tickets by email.
  • Problem in the language selection in the Translated Strings section.
OUM #83 - 31 Oct 2018
  • Translations.
  • Personalized fields of textarea type.
  • Search for Invoices.
  • Contextual help.
  • Visual improvements in buttons.
  • Download of attached files of Contracts.
  • Uploading of contract attachments.
  • Generation of Contract Templates.
  • Creation/Edition of Leads.
  • ACLs applied to standalone users.
  • Contract ACLs.
  • MySQL Errors.
  • Assignment of Tickets to disabled users.
  • Use of custom fonts in text editor.
OUM #82 - 08 Oct 2018
New features:
  • Hide in the invoices the Fiscal Identifier field corresponding to the company.
  • Failure to visualize HTML encoding.
  • Creation of users/tickets through email.
  • Improved the contextual help.
  • Improved the formatting of data returned by the API.
OUM #81 - 13 Sep 2018
New features:
  • New user profile ‘Human Resources’ that allows the management of Work Units.
  • New special task “Doctor’s visit” available for Work Units.
  • It is now possible to attach files to Work Units.
  • It is now possible to attach files to Projects.
  • Calculation of hours assigned to projects when editing tasks of that project.
  • Error in Personalized Ticket Filters.
  • ACLs in Ticket Filters.
  • Error when adding profile to a user.
  • Linked fields of ticket types are displayed incorrectly.
  • Language selection in General Setup.
  • Editing of mail configuration parameters.
  • Creation of Contacts.
  • Notification to user creator of Ticket when they are opened through the mail.
  • ACLs of grouped users.
  • Performance in the Annual Calendar view.
  • Visualization of Work Units.
OUM #80 - 16 Jul 2018
New features:
  • Custom fields for milestones.
  • Be able to select items from the mail queue to modify or delete them.
  • Problem when adding custom links.
  • Calculation of sums in Invoice Report.
  • Error when creating Contract with non-existent company.
  • Export to PDF of Invoices.
  • Wrong count of `Involved Persons’ in Resolution Report.
  • Problem attaching files in response to Leads.
  • Error when executing Workflow Rules in cron.
  • Failure in the operation of the Translate Strings section.
  • Error in the calculation of the’Hard limit’ in the creation of Tickets.
  • SQL errors.
  • Deletion of global custom fields of Tickets.
  • Improvements in Gantt Chart.
  • New sources in Invoice Report.
  • Visual improvements in modal windows of confirmation.
  • Visual improvements in Graphics.
  • Editing of Wiki pages.

OUM #70+ 3

OUM #79 - 13 Jun 2018
New features:
  • New type of custom field for People. In addition to the existing fields, you can add linked fields.
  • It is now possible to delete Wiki pages from the Administration menu.
  • MySQL errors.
  • External type fields in Inventory.
  • File downloads.
  • Sum of taxes calculated in Invoices.
  • Entry of hours for holidays.
  • Vacation report.
  • Import of Custom Reports to CSV.
  • Internal WU input.
  • Improved visualization of milestones in Gantt charts.
  • Calculation of deviation time in Projects.
  • Translations update.
OUM #78 - 4 Jun 2018
Fixed issues that occurred after the upgrade to php 7.
OUM #77 - 15 May 2018
New features:
  • Upgraded to PHP version 7.
  • PDF library upgraded to version 6.1 of mPDF.
  • Flexibility in report creation.
  • New user profile. In addition to administration user, grouped and isolated user, Integria has a new user profile grouped by Company.
  • It is now possible to customize the logical operations that can be performed with the conditions of the workflow rules.
  • Problem when deleting workflow rules.
  • SQL error when creating users.
  • User language.
  • Installation of demo database.
  • People Report.
  • Resolution Report.
OUM #76 - 17 Apr 2018
New features:
  • Now you can attach files to Contracts generated from customizable templates.
  • Sending of Tickets notification on demand.
  • New conditions for the execution of Workflow Rules.
  • Setting a hierarchy of Download Types in the Support section is now possible.
  • New levels of access to the Clients section.
  • Fixed the condition ‘Text string search’ of the Workflow Rules.
  • User avatar upload in installations on Windows OS.
  • Coding of line breaks in email notifications.
  • Status selection in the Inventory search and form.
  • Export of Custom Reports to CSV.
  • User pagination of the People section.
  • Management of user vacations within the People section.
  • Legends in graphs.
OUM #75 - 19 Mar 2018
New features:
  • It is now possible to change the type and group of a ticket automatically using the workflow rules.
  • Q/A information has been added to the Support Report. It is a new section where you can consult the score of each ticket.
  • Log of activity of tickets and work units related to a task.
  • New option to automatically assign a ticket creator to the first user to write a comment on the ticket.
  • Option to export the Reports to CSV.
  • Valuation of tickets by the user creator after closing.
  • Display of texts from the Clients section.
  • Display of total quantities invoiced by company.
  • Display of user images that are sent by email in notifications.
  • Display of graphs.
  • Deletion of workflow rules.
  • Broken link to Knowledge Base elements.
  • Filtering in the ticket search.
OUM #74 - 26 Feb 2018
  • Search filters are not maintained when performing massive operations on tickets.
  • Error when creating a physical inventory object.
  • Mistaken template when sending project notifications.
  • Error loading user avatar.
  • Failure in the API function that displays ticket statistics.
  • Bug in project ACLs.
  • Error when downloading work parts.
  • Incorrect execution of the CRON in Canary Islands time zone.
  • New support report. Resolution report.
  • New people report. General report.
  • Aesthetic improvements in the visualization of CRM section data.
  • Help in the Projects section.
  • Help in the Reports section.
  • Help in the section People, section Groups.
  • Visual improvement of warning windows.
  • Visual improvement in the Wiki section.
OUM #73 - 24 Jan 2018
  • Incorrect counting of tickets belonging to ‘isolated’ users.
  • Error when removing people from a task.
  • ‘Parent’ field of a non-editable task.
  • Creation of custom fields in the Contracts section.
  • SLAs.
  • Task creation/editing form.
  • Simplificationo of the Projects menu.
  • PDF reports visualization.
  • Edition of articles from the Knowledge Base.
  • Inventory export support.
  • HTML email processing.
New features:
  • New home screen that includes a search engine for the Knowledge Base.
  • Integration of eHorus with Inventory.
  • New Ticket filter on Dashboard.
  • Option that allows users who do not belong to any group to create Tickets.
  • Group duplication is now possible.
OUM #72 – 07 Nov 2017
  • Fixed minor bugs.
OUM #71 – 17 Oct 2017
  • New API functionality. It is now possible to add inventory objects to an already created ticket.
  • Improved Office 365 support.
  • Solved problem in sending emails through workflow rules.
OUM #70 – 02 Oct 2017
  • Customized Contract fields can be grouped into sections.
  • New functions have been added to the API.
  • It is possible to choose the order in which the personalized fields of Tickets, Companies and Contracts are displayed.
  • Creation of Inventory objects is now allowed without assigning an owner to it.
  • Creation of Contracts without associated Company.
  • Visual improvements in pagination.
  • Updated translations.

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